"May these words of my mouth and this meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, LORD, my Rock and my Redeemer." Psalm 19:14
I'm Not For Me

1 Peter 2:11-12
Hello y'all!
If you clicked on a link for this post... yup, I wasn't awake when I put on socks this morning. They're purple in case any of you were wondering.
Since you weren't, now for a subject that hopefully makes sense.
I know for a fact that you have heard, replayed and sang some awesome songs that say something along these lines. "I am a stranger here, heaven is my home"(Hymn). "All I know is I'm not home yet. Take this world and give me Jesus"(Building 429). "I am a stranger. I won't be home 'til I'm with You" (Anthem Lights). I love these songs. These are fantastic moral boosters. But where are these people getting this idea?
Well, here's your answer! 1 Peter 2:11-12: "Dear friends, I urge you, as foreigners and exiles, to abstain from sinful desires, which wage war against your soul. Live such good lives among the pagans that, though they accuse you of doing wrong, they may see your good deeds and glorify God on the day he visits us."
Let's look at "as foreigners and exiles" first. That's more of an unpleasant spin on strangers. A bit of a surprise, aye? Seems like our culture has watered down this passage but the general idea is still there. We're changed. We're not of this world any longer, we're children of God. What's forgotten is there's the war of the being waged Right Now against your very soul!
Since we added more information into the equation, our response should be changed. In our lovely songs up here, the main reaction seems to be waiting vigilantly for Jesus Christ to return. Can I get an amen? "Heaven and earth will pass away... but concerning that day and hour no one knows, not even the angles of heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father only." (Matthew 24:35a-36) This still seems beside the point of 1 Peter 2:11. We aren't called to sit around waiting, twiddling our thumbs, ect. Remember, we're called the fight in midst the war! In the beginning verse 12, we're called to live good lives when it seems impossible - in the midst of a sinful community, culture and world.
Most days I really don't feel like fighting for righteousness. In fact, I don't right now. At all. Do you?
Once again, its not about us and our feelings. Sounds harsh, I know. We just get wrapped up in ourselves so often. Instead, let's focus our eyes back on God. He says we're in exile. So He tells us that our response should be to live holy lives. To what purpose? "They (unbelievers) may see your good deeds and glorify God on the day he visits us." The aim of good deeds are for the GLORY of GOD. They're not so we can get applauded for opening doors. Sinful little human beings trying to do nice things doesn't equal the GLORY of GOD. But in the bigger picture, the equation can add up. We're changed. But we're not only foreigners, we're children of God. We can now work for the glory of God. All I can do is sit in wonder in awe at our God. My wish is that this awe will inspire you.
To head into that classroom as I am doing any second now. What you do and what you don't do matters. Maybe how you treat your mom and siblings in Walmart makes a difference. (Because we all know that Walmart is a scary place.)
For readers here in Vermont, enjoy the drizzling day! And everyone else, enjoy whatever weather you're experiencing. That's one reason I love VP and the different places that we live, as silly as it is.
Thank you for heading on this journey with me!!