Apologies for making you think but...
Why does tea lose its appeal when it turns cold?
"May these words of my mouth and this meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, LORD, my Rock and my Redeemer." Psalm 19:14
I'm Not For Me

Beauty. Esther and Psalms 24:7
Hello, hello!
Today, let's have a little talk about beauty. I'll say it more clearly. Hi girls! ;) This post is going to mean more to you.
How bout a look at the story of Esther? That deals with beauty, right? This has to be one of my better ideas I've had today. But we're going to have to talk about Vashti too. Sorry.
A drunk Xerxes holding a big shabang "commanded... to bring before him Queen Vashti, wearing her royal crown, in order to display her beauty to the people and nobles, for she was lovely to look at." (Esther 1:beginning of 10, 11)
Well. That doesn't sound very great to me. If all her beauty did for her was to be shown off to a bunch of drunk men... no thank you. Then, Xerxes dumped Vashti, his queen, for being stubborn and not wanting to entertain drunk men. That accomplished alot.
But, I might say as we continue the story, "good" things can also be given to those who have beauty. On to Esther! Once she was chosen to appear before the king, "she pleased him and won his favor. Immediately he provided her with her beauty treatments and special food." That sounds pretty great to me but what good did it do? The story of Esther would be pretty boring and pointless if it was only about beauty.
Recap: Good things and bad things to those that have beauty. There's no guarantees. By itself, it's fickle.
New question: Does God have beauty? Have a look at Psalms 27:4
"One thing I ask from the Lord,
this only do I seek:
that I may dwell in the house of the Lord
all the days of my life,
to gaze on the beauty of the Lord
and to seek him in his temple."
This song of David is what I've been trying to work towards with this blog post. I think it's pretty amazing - here's why. The only, the singular thing the great King David wanted was to be with the LORD. Specifically, "to gaze on the beauty of the LORD." Why do we want beauty or beautiful things? To make us happy. But why should we want to be near God? So that we may be given joy. You and I have a choice. We can pretend that fickle things will make us happy, or we can kneel at the base of the throne of God. This is where we are guaranteed fulfillment.
The truth is, that's why we want beauty. But in the pursuit of it, we've all been disappointed. The problem is that we still haven't been disillusioned. We still live like beauty is a thing that must be obtained. Believing otherwise is a daily battle. Today, choose to be filled up by your Savior.
Mark 9:24; Ephesians 2:8
Hello again!
In order to keep (somewhat) focused here, I'm going to paraphrase the story of Mark 9:14-29.
Once upon a real time, there was a demon possessed boy, who had a very caring father. He had done anything and everything to help his son, even asking Jesus' disciples to exorcise the demon. When they failed, this created a big commotion as to why - time for Jesus to intervene. The father begs Jesus to help 'if he can', "and Jesus said to him, “‘If you can’! All things are possible for one who believes.” (v. 23) Heres the part I want you to focus on: "Immediately the father of the child cried out and said, 'I believe; help my unbelief!'" (Mark 9:24)
Even if you've heard v.24 before, it might still catch you by surprise. Can someone believe and still have unbelief? The fault here lies in my wording. We don't innately have all faith or no faith, but we are given it by God. "For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God," (Ephesians 2:8) All things are gifts from God and these two things, grace and faith, are no exception. We're not to judge if we believe enough or are "good" enough Christians. The LORD gives us the portion of faith we need - its a gift. We should be thankful and rejoice over what we have received, not mourn over what we lack.
Even with the man's unbelief, Jesus still cured his son. Even with our unbelief, our heavenly Father still provides for us and loves us. But if we trust in the belief the Holy Spirit instills in us, God does amazing things!
I wish you peace and courage that comes from our Savior in the knowledge of our salvation.
Musings - His Love
Hi again!
As I was cleaning up a death cocktail of a biology experiment, I focused my thoughts to the communion hymn that had been floating around my head all day. The only distinct words I could remember were "feed us, Lord" at the beginning of the chorus. You all know how annoying it, when you can remember all of the tune, but not the words? So, the only way I was going to resolve this was to sit down and think about the words. (Google is useless in these cases.) Instead of remembering more words from the song, which I knew was asking God for communion, "feed us, Lord" and "feed us, Lord" cycled over and over in my mind until FEED ME, FEED ME blared threateningly.
How in the world has God survived in the same universe with us humans, screeching and pleading, but more often demanding for 24/7, 7 days a week... for approx. 7 thousand years? We can barely put up with the thought of each other's presence sometimes. Now try adding up every person in the universe for all of the years past, present and future, but not only an image of them,but their thoughts, desires, natures, all their actions and everything they didn't do... in its entirety. Again, the mere thought of it is overwhelming to us. And we're sinful. Our natures are contrary to God's. Why on earth haven't our "FEED ME, FEED ME"s caused God to forsake us? Why not? With God's perfect nature vs our sinful nature and his infinite knowledge of what comes out of this sin, why is He did be become our Savior?
Maybe I should have labelled this a rant post instead of a musings post. But then I hope this certainly won't end in a state of despair.
The best answer I've got is... He love us! At first, this seems flat. This seems too short. Wheres the syllogisms and logical connections, stepping from one truth to another? Then I have to remind myself, God isn't limited by logic. His power, presence and understanding surpasses these things. But ya know what? His Spirit is powerful! He helps us to embrace the things He tell us in His Word! Isn't that great? We're not blind or frustrated or confused - we believe!
Back to God. He loves us! He love accepts even our blunt and angry cries, but He doesn't leave them or us. He changes us into children that know His voice, His love and follow it.
1. We're ugly, puny and sinful
2. He loves us.
3. He laid his stake down and eternally claimed us.
4. He changes us into beautiful, pure, loving children of God who think His thoughts after Him.
So.. maybe God's plan is the best. Maybe I shouldn't be frustrated or unhappy. I honestly couldn't think of a better happy ending than that.
Thank you for journeying with me, even through the crazy moments!
As I was cleaning up a death cocktail of a biology experiment, I focused my thoughts to the communion hymn that had been floating around my head all day. The only distinct words I could remember were "feed us, Lord" at the beginning of the chorus. You all know how annoying it, when you can remember all of the tune, but not the words? So, the only way I was going to resolve this was to sit down and think about the words. (Google is useless in these cases.) Instead of remembering more words from the song, which I knew was asking God for communion, "feed us, Lord" and "feed us, Lord" cycled over and over in my mind until FEED ME, FEED ME blared threateningly.
How in the world has God survived in the same universe with us humans, screeching and pleading, but more often demanding for 24/7, 7 days a week... for approx. 7 thousand years? We can barely put up with the thought of each other's presence sometimes. Now try adding up every person in the universe for all of the years past, present and future, but not only an image of them,but their thoughts, desires, natures, all their actions and everything they didn't do... in its entirety. Again, the mere thought of it is overwhelming to us. And we're sinful. Our natures are contrary to God's. Why on earth haven't our "FEED ME, FEED ME"s caused God to forsake us? Why not? With God's perfect nature vs our sinful nature and his infinite knowledge of what comes out of this sin, why is He did be become our Savior?
Maybe I should have labelled this a rant post instead of a musings post. But then I hope this certainly won't end in a state of despair.
The best answer I've got is... He love us! At first, this seems flat. This seems too short. Wheres the syllogisms and logical connections, stepping from one truth to another? Then I have to remind myself, God isn't limited by logic. His power, presence and understanding surpasses these things. But ya know what? His Spirit is powerful! He helps us to embrace the things He tell us in His Word! Isn't that great? We're not blind or frustrated or confused - we believe!
Back to God. He loves us! He love accepts even our blunt and angry cries, but He doesn't leave them or us. He changes us into children that know His voice, His love and follow it.
1. We're ugly, puny and sinful
2. He loves us.
3. He laid his stake down and eternally claimed us.
4. He changes us into beautiful, pure, loving children of God who think His thoughts after Him.
So.. maybe God's plan is the best. Maybe I shouldn't be frustrated or unhappy. I honestly couldn't think of a better happy ending than that.
Thank you for journeying with me, even through the crazy moments!
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