I'm Not For Me

I'm Not For Me


Romans 12:2

I used to think that I was the one that made sense.  I understood easily and fully.  I "got" the Bible without even trying. 

Now, 99.99% of the time, I don't understand what is written in God's word.  One half of the reason is because I don't know enough about David's life, or Biblical imagery, ect.  The other reason is that I don't make sense. 

It's easy for us to think we've got it together.  We can hold a good cover, so good that we can convince ourselves into thinking that we can figure life out.  Uho.  Here's where the problems start.  - We only know as much as we will acknowledge we don't know (is your tongue twisted yet?). - 

God gives us this concept "renewing our minds."

Wait... Renewing... Aren't I already brand-spanking new?  

"Do not be conformed to the world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by the testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect."  - Romans 12:2 ESV 

God's ways are far above my ways.  My thoughts are not His thoughts.  I cannot understand Him, but I can learn His ways through the renewing of my mind.  That way, my thoughts can be aligned with His, and He will guide me.  My God knows far better than I what IS.  He also gives many, many words, friends, prayers so that we will learn what makes sense according to Him.