I'm Not For Me

I'm Not For Me


How to Rake Leaves

Otherwise known as a make up for not posting. 

Step 1:
Go to the lawn with the least leaves (as to not discourage yourself too quickly) and become depressed that Autumn is already receding, although it's only the first week of October. 

Step 2:
Begin preparing your mind to tackle the worst job first.  There's no denying it.  
Just look at these prickly, sly monsters. 
Take a REALL good look so that rage and fury can enter your soul and fuel your inevitable victory.  

Step 3:  
Rake, hack and fling at these innumerable foes with your tenacious grip until you've gathered a pile.  (A few choice battle cries can help kick the smaller piles together)  

Note: Stomping on the pile discouraged, as it only disperses your hard work as you flatten it.   
Step 4: 
Despair at further dispersing of your enemies when piling onto a tarp.  Then, run into the woods while dragging the tarp to minimize your chances of being murdered or eaten, (clearly no time or hands for pictures in this step).

Step 5:  
Lastly, take a look at the leaves around that have already fallen that you (or a family member) must rake.  Notice more pine needles among the leaves.

Retreat to contemplate from inside how many more leaves and pine needles will fall.