I'm Not For Me

I'm Not For Me


AiG: "Thank God you're wrong."

To all of my friends, 
     Answers in Genesis has started a radical billboard campaign in Times Square, LA, and a few other places.  NYC is receiving the most press.  Pictures are worth a thousand words so here's two. 
Freedom From Religion Foundation: Atheists Hit Back at Christian Billboard With an Anti God Message of Their Own
     I know that Answers in Genesis isn't always popular with many Christians, but I hope that you can respect my opinion about AiG;s choice and here's why.  Christians aren't called to be nice. We're in the middle of a war - not just a rhetorical battle, or the battle of the ads, but over souls.  Precious souls.  Souls that live for eternity, in extreme bliss or extreme torture in separation from God.  AiG's campaign is, "To all our atheist friends, thank God you're wrong."  There's no question whether this causes discomfort.  It's designed to prick consciences and consciouses.  It's very painful, but that's the point.  Should Christians care about momentary pain in this life or what happens in eternity?  I'll leave that as a personal question for you. 

Here's Ken Ham's explanations of his actions to fellow Christians and how he believes this billboard will advance the kingdom of God.  http://www.answersingenesis.org/articles/2013/10/11/billboard-big-bang

    I could go on and on but, like AiG, I wanted to begin a conversation to make a few readers think. 
